
Group Hug Video - A time lapse demo

I've finally managed to complete and upload the time lapse animation of the drawing of Group Hug.

Hope you like it!

Group Hug Timelape thumb

Artists Palette Magazine

Some of my work was recently showcased in the Australian Artists Palette magazine. It was quite a shock to actually see my work in print.

Here's a scan of the piece if you want to have a look.

artists palette thumb

Busy, Busy.

Time has flown this year and so many things have happened. The days just seem to be blurring into weeks and months. It's been a real time of highs and lows, happiness and sadness.

I've had art shows, competitions, my son and his girlfriend moved in, and sadly, my wonderful Dad passed away. But the art goes on and I've completed a couple more pieces, and I am constantly working on new ones. Keep visiting, you never know what you're going to find.

New art works

I have finally updated the site and the newest works are here! These are "Morning Stretch", "Belly Rub", "Straggler", "Mud Fight" and "Not So Different". Please feel free to wander about and have a look.

I am happy to announce that both the SALA Festival and the Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize were both successful!

Morning Stretch

This was my first attempt at doing a time-lapse video of one of my drawings.

I used a Canon 450 digital camera fixed above my desk and connected to my computer. The computer was set up to take a photo periodically giving me some warning (a countdown) so I could get out of the way..

This is the result:  Hope you like it!

Morning Stretch timelapse thumb.png